Many fire departments currently operating teleboom watertowers will find the Ferrara HD 57’ an outstanding replacement aerial. The 57’ offers weight and packaging advantages that permit more options on the body and chassis. This is particularly important when water tank size and equipment carrying capacity are primary concerns.
In addition, the compact aerial design lends itself well to small wheelbase configurations. These attributes are beneficial when the unit is called upon to perform first responder medical calls. In this configuration, a department may consider longer cabs and EMS boxes with interior/exterior access. The rescue roll can be further enhanced with front bumper extrication reels and tool compartments.
The body can be configured as a pumper or aerial style. The pumper body design is short with a right side hosebed for easy hose repacking without moving the aerial. Space for backboards and full depth compartments complement the package. The ground ladders are typically a roof, attic and extension ladder. The aerial style body is longer in length to accommodate the NFPA 1901 Quint or Aerial ladder complement. We can also supply the ISO ground ladder complement if desired. The aerial body can be supplied as a right side hosebed for packing with the aerial stored or traditional under the ladder hosebed if desired.
The aerial ladder offers a lower overall travel height when compared to Telebooms, as there is no boom underneath the ladder. The aerial is also available with a moveable waterway to keep the fly section free from the obstruction of a nozzle and waterway pipe during a rescue operation or positioning the ladder near a building.