Inferno and Igniter Urban-Wildland Interface Chassis
Designing and building a custom fire chassis that works as well in a congested city as it does off road fighting a wildfire is no small feat.  Ferrara’s team of engineers have come up with the ultimate in Urban-Wildland Interface vehicles, the Inferno and Igniter Urban-Wildland Interface chassis.  Built on a super-compact wheelbase, as short as 159”, this truck can seat a crew of six, pump up to 2000 GPM and carry a 500 gallon water tank.


Safety, Maneuverability and Versatility

  • With its 159” wheelbase, the Interface chassis turns on a dime
  • Ferrara’s custom extruded aluminum design fits an enclosed ladder tunnel inside the body
  • Carry an on-board injection foam system and a foam cell integral with the water tank
  • Inferno and Igniter cabs are crash tested to 66,000 pounds

Ferrara Urban-Wildland Interface Chassis Quick Shots

  • 159” wheelbase with SFD cab
  • 168” wheelbase with MFD cab
  • All wheel drive capability
  • Pump and roll availability

Visit the Wildland apparatus section for more information on Ferrara Wildland vehicles.

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